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Value in Health in Primary Care


Frontline primary care leaders will discuss what value-based healthcare means in the context of primary care practice, discussing the challenges faced but also the opportunities for transformation. Examples from primary care (Cardiff South West Cluster and Amman Tawe) will be shared, demonstrating some of the existing work underways in primary care, while a national picture and vision to further support expansion in this area will be considered by the panelists.


Dr. Susan J Goodfellow; Clinical Improvement Lead Value-Based Health Care – Session Chair

Dr. Alastair Roeves, National Clinical Lead for Primary Care & Community Care for Wales and Interim Deputy Medical Director, Swansea Bay University Health Board

Dr. Karen Pardy, Community Director, Cardiff SW Cluster

Dr. Duncan Williams, GP and Amman Tawe Partner

Craig Davey, Programme Manager, Finance Delivery Unit