The National Colorectal Cancer Dashboard is the ninth in a series of information products to be launched by the Welsh Value in Health Centre. As with all our information products, they are designed to help us understand what is happening in a specific system and present opportunities for us to increase value for patients.
Our latest data product has been developed collaboratively between teams from Digital Health and Care Wales, the NHS Wales Health Collaborative and clinicians from the Bowel Cancer Initiative. Initially, the National Colorectal Cancer Dashboard aims to be a tool which supports clinicians in supplying complete data to the National Bowel Cancer Audit (NBOCA), by highlighting any data gaps within the seven key data fields used for the audit, therefore enabling clinicians to easily identify areas that require additional input.
We’re expecting clinicians using the dashboard to provide feedback on this first iteration in the coming weeks, which will further inform development that is already underway. The next phase will be to provide live data on Single Cancer Pathway Performance, surgical and oncological quality metrics and survival data. This second phase will be completed in the second half of 2022.