Earlier this year, the Welsh Health Circular entitled Welsh Value in Health Centre – data requirements (WHC/2022/005) was released. It described how we will all drive the improvement of health and care services by taking a collaborative approach to sharing and using data, and by developing our outcomes and costing measurement and analysis.
The Welsh Value in Health Centre will be holding a 1-hour webinar on Tuesday 5th July at 12pm to provide further information on the importance of this Circular, how the process described within it can be implemented, explore tools that can support better outcome collection and hear from one Health Board about their outcome collection journey so far.
Surfacing data on outcomes, and making this information more accessible, will support Health Boards and Trusts in meeting the expectation in the NHS Wales Planning Framework that organisations should take a value-based approach to the planning and delivery of services.
This Circular updates arrangements set out in WHC 2020(003) regarding the collection and sharing of clinical audit and patient-reported outcome data. It reflects the establishment of both Digital Health and Care Wales and the Welsh Value in Health Centre to support the delivery of the digital health agenda across NHS Wales.
If you or colleagues would like to join us for this free webinar, you can register now by following this link: https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/uChWuyjjgkCoVkM8ntyPrg,RBp1P1wuBES6TphaTtuuvQ,0k_3CvawkUaQHZ8meScvfw,6nGbB1sBuUmU8n3ExkvoXQ,wdG8ZD-xz0yVjkTmf9EjNw,K7_NXIGQjkqhDWbWsGQKqg?mode=read&tenantId=bb5628b8-e328-4082-a856-433c9edc8fae