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Health Technology Appraisal Training Session (Part 2)




Value in Health Week will see the return of the Health Technology Wales (HTW) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 101.

During the 90-minute webinar, HTW will explore the key methods used to appraise health and care technologies and understand their potential value to service users, providers, and technology partners when taking a value based health care approach. Participants will gain increased awareness of the role health technology assessments play in a value-based health care system and how it enables the life sciences sector to best evidence their products or services and commissioners to make the best use of limited resources

The webinar, which is suitable for participants from a broad range of sectors, will include a look at real-life topics that Health Technology Wales has previously appraised. Participants will also be introduced to HTW’s topic proposal process and encouraged to consider topics they think HTW could appraise.




Jenni Washington, Information Specialist (Health Technology Wales)

Lauren Elston: Health Services Researcher (Health Technology Wales)