Assistant Professor in Business & Public Management at the Management and Healthcare Laboratory of the Institute of Management
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, Italy
Assistant Professor in Business & Public Management at the Management and Healthcare Laboratory of the Institute of Management
Sabina De Rosis is Assistant Professor in Business & Public Management at the Management and Healthcare Laboratory of the Institute of Management - Department of excellence for Economics and Management in the era of Data Science (EMbeDS) of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, Italy. Her research interest regards the healthcare services users’ evaluation of outcome and experience. Her research is aimed at investigating strategies to enhance personal and social value measurement, assessment and integration into the services’ definition and provision, as well as in the performance evaluation. A special focus of her research activities is on co-production in healthcare as a concrete approach to realize patient- and people-centeredness, based on the use of empirical tools, such as the patient-reported experience and outcome measures (PREMs and PROMs). She is responsible and coordinates international, national and local level research projects, such as the European project VoICEs (Value of Including the Children Experience for improving their rightS during hospitalization); the national implementation in Italy of the OECD initiative PaRIS (Patient-Reported Indicator Surveys); the permanent and digital PREMs and PROMs Observatories in some Italian regional healthcare systems.