Interim National Clinical Director
Welsh Government
Interim National Clinical Director
Allan is a graduate of Edinburgh University and trained in General Practice then Paediatrics. After completing Paediatric Intensive Care training at Great Ormond Street he took up a post as a Consultant in the Paediatric Critical Care Unit in Cardiff in 2003.
He served several years as Clinical Director of Child Health, overseeing the move into the Noah’s Ark Childrens Hospital for Wales. He became an Assistant Medical Director before taking up the role as Cardiff & Vale UHB’s first Chief Clinical Information Officer. He is a graduate of the NHS Digital Academy.
He has been involved in several national informatics programmes. He was the lead CCIO on the National Data Resource Programme Board, secondary care lead for the National Video Consultation Programme with TEC Cymru and a member of the National Digital Cell advising Welsh Government during the pandemic.
As part of a team led by the Chief Medical Officer for Wales, Allan helped develop the National Clinical Framework for Wales, published in March 2021. The framework seeks to build a clinically led data-informed 'learning health and care system' in Wales. He will be leading its implementation as Interim National Clinical Director within the Welsh Government.