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Patient Reported Outcome Measures - PROMs

We have developed a PROMs package which is available for all to use.

It is not a 'How to' guide but more of things you will want to consider and think about ahead of implementation or developing your PROMs collection.

There are case studies which accompany the main document.  You can access them through the document or find the links to them below.


Case Studies - click on the links below to take you to the case study of your choice:

Case Illustration - Heart Failure Service - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Delivering Value in Orthopaedics - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Lymphoedema Psychology Programme - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Welsh National Myeloma Dashboard - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - PROVISION - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Adferiad - Recovery - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Wales International Population Survey - Value in Health (

Case Illustration - Culture Change - Value in Health (