Kathleen has worked in the NHS for over 20 years, most recently as a Principal Evaluation Scientist at Cedar, a Healthcare Technology Research Centre. During her time at Cedar, Kathleen has developed a particular interest in involving patients in their care and has been involved in the development, validation and use of PROMs since 2010. She has experience in a range of projects involving health economics, service evaluation, systematic reviews, clinical trial facilitation and medical device evaluation. Kathleen leads a small analytical and research team which supports the analysis of data collected on the Value in Health (ViH) Programme and related datasets. She also facilitates the identification and licensing of PROMs tools for the National programme and their Welsh translation and validation. Kathleen enjoys patient-facing work and regularly carries outpatient interviews and focus groups for PROM validation, service development and evaluations. She is keen to ensure that the outputs from the programme are transparently reached, methodologically sound, stand up to scrutiny and are appropriately shared with the healthcare community. Cedar has led a number of conference presentations and publications on behalf of the ViH programme and had success at National events including the Patient Experience Network National Awards.